Russian tin will resume work on the Festival and crossover fields

The company «Russian tin» will continue earlier
suspended the extraction of resources in the Khabarovsk territory in their fields Festival
and crossover. This is with reference to official sources in the organization
told reporters the representative of the press service of the regional administration.
«The company plans to increase production of tin
at its facilities by 2018 at 200%. It will reopen
saddle mines (reserves of 10 thousand tonnes of tin) and Festival (30 thousand tons
tin and the same of copper)» — commented on the situation in the Department for relations with
the public in the government of the province. «In addition, in the framework of the program «Russian
tin» on increasing the volume of metal production in the far Eastern Federal
the district will put into operation another «tin» asset «Pravourmiyskoe
mining and processing plant» with the design capabilities of the processing
equipment 400 thousand tons of ore per year. With the start of the work on all these sites
the power of the «Russian tin» in the Khabarovsk region will reach production volume of 1
thousand tons of concentrated metal a year," — quoted representatives
Khabarovsk administration head of Board of Directors of the company — Sergey Ryzhov.
Russia is one of the ten Nations with the largest
reserves of tin, however, local ore poorer counterparts with competing Bolivian,
Chinese or Brazilian fields (average 0.5% against 1.2%), which
makes the mining of metal in the country more expensive, and the price of the finished product — less
competitive. However, in the depths of Russia there are nearly 3.6 million
tons of tin that is more than 7.5% of the total (worldwide) volumes. Lion
the share of these resources is in the land of the far Eastern region of the state, and Khabarovsk
edge owns about 20% of them. At the moment resource extraction in Russia is
only two objects in the fields of the Verkhnebureinsky municipal district
(Western part of the Khabarovsk territory on the border with the Amur region) and Solar
district (Central part of the same administrative-territorial unit).
Processes ore from these assets, the country’s only specialized GOK — «Novosibirsk
tin mill».