EMED will start construction of a copper mine Rio Tinto this year

«EMED» reports: construction of the «Rio Tinto Copper
Project» (South-West Spain), the company will begin already this year, and the first copper
the project will be received in the second half of 2014. At the moment
negotiations on obtaining permission documentation for construction
object plant, and in this matter — according to management of the Corporation —
no problem. «Last week our Board of Directors held a series of meetings
with representatives of the government of Andalusia for issues copper project „Rio
Tinto“. The negotiations were successful, and we see no obstacles that could
to prevent us to start construction work on the facility for the second half of this
years» — told reporters the managing Director of «EMED Mining Public Ltd» — Harry
Anagnostaras Adams.
«EMED» — European company operating in the sector
mining industry since 2005. The company specializiruetsya geological
the exploration of potential sites for mineral extraction, as well as engaged in extraction of
and processing ore containing copper and gold.
The Rio Tinto copper mine, which received its
the name of the river, near river beds where the field («rio
tinto» from Spanish is literally translated as «red river»). The property is situated
near Seville — the capital of the Autonomous community of Andalusia. In 2001, due to
low profitability of production, the mine was closed. However, a record rise of stock
copper prices in late 2010 — early 2011 years (when the price of the red metal
for the first time has overcome a mark in 10 thousand USD) has pushed the owners of «EMED
Mining Public Ltd», invested in asset $ 250 million, to the decision to resume production
resources on the project. At that time, the permission from the regulatory authorities was not received,
the resuscitation of the production at the facility has been postponed «until better times». Today,
according to management, «EMED», the issue of the permit is almost closed,
mines with potential capacity of 37 thousand tons of copper a year, will resume deliveries
precious resource on the market in the near future.