Orbite began supplying raw material for the extraction of aluminum from cap-chat

The company «Orbite Aluminae» started the first commercial
supply of alumina (raw materials for aluminium production) from its plant in canadian
the town of cap-chat (Gaspé, QC). «To begin shipments of resources from the enterprise
is an important step for our organization. With first deliveries of this alumina „Orbite“
officially debuted on the global market for ultra-pure raw materials» — commented
event the President of the company — Richard Bujol in an interview with reporters.
The company «Orbite Aluminae» (formerly known as «Exploration
Orbite V. S. P. A. Inc.) — the canadian company that developed alternative
a method of obtaining alumina (for this technology, not the resource is mined from bauxite,
as it happens the «traditional» way, and from high-alumina clays). According to
the statements of the experts of the company, obtaining the resource by using the «game-changing
technology» («technology changing the rules of the game»), not negatively
impact on the environment (the key point is the absence of so-called «red
sludge», which, when released today by the Bayer method, are formed annually
in excess of 70 million tonnes) and allows to reduce energy consumption. When
resulting products can easily compete with the alumina produced in the normal way and used
today on the aluminum industries worldwide. For the «running» technique
the company has built the above mentioned plant in the town of cap-chat (investment in the project
made 6.4 million dollars), which was launched in late 2012
year. Raw materials for the production of alumina is fed to the plant with
field Grande-Vallee (120 km from the plant), named in honor of the village,
nearby. Square footage is more than 6,400 hectares and the reserves of high-alumina
ores there are about 1 billion tons).
Earlier it was reported that the owners of «Orbite Aluminae»
seriously intend to settle in the world market of alumina in the «ultra-fine»
(purity 99.99%), having it at least a share of 1/5 of all deliveries. «
the light of the developments in the aluminium sector, new technology
obtaining alumina will allow Canadians to make real progress in leadership position
in its segment» — commented analysts of the market of nonferrous metals.