Norilsk Nickel to take part in a summit of emerging countries

A delegation from the MMC «Norilsk Nickel» will take part
in the business part of the summit of BRICS (meeting of representatives of the five States with the fastest growing
economies — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which begins March 27
his work in the South African city of Durban. The main theme was «BRICS
and Africa: cooperation for development, integration and industrialisation». «Part
in African projects, „Norilsk Nickel“ is of great importance: the development of
enterprises on the continent — the investment in creating a solid Foundation
economic well-being of the Corporation» — commented on the presence of
representatives of the Nickel giant at the summit of Roman Panov, who is in the company
the head of foreign production assets.
Today, «Norilsk Nickel» takes
active participation in the investment programs of the Republic of South Africa. In
particular, the Russian company is developing the largest project on the continent —
complex «Nkomati» mining and processing Nickel ores. The owners of the Corporation
it has already invested more than $600 million, which allowed to significantly increase the volume
metal production at the plant and take it to a new level of profitability
production. However, the potential of South Africa, according to representatives «Norilsk Nickel», still
for MMC remains the object of attention.
BRICS (an abbreviation of the names of the five most
fast-growing countries in the world in the English language -Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) holds its summit in the fifth
time. Last year, a meeting of leaders took place in India prior to that (2011) —
China (Sanya), in 2010 in Brazil and in 2009 in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.
The agenda of this year’s summit — a series of bilateral meetings and fees
extended format between the heads of state and business representatives from countries
the «five». In the course of these events, the parties plan to discuss a number of issues
international cooperation (including the idea of creating the BRICS development Bank),
to sign «Acequinocyl Declaration» (act regulating relations between participants of the summit
in the current world economic and political situation) and make a plan
effective cooperation of States parties meeting in the circumstances
with recent events in the middle East (with separate emphasis on Iran
and Syria) and in other «hotly debated» parts of the planet.