Stainless steel on the Chinese market, a decrease in the prices of export consignment

For stainless steel China market decrease in prices.
In particular, specialized media of the Republic reported the reduction of corrosion-resistant
metal for foreign customers. New price lists
manufacturers of stainless steel will cost the equivalent of 50−100 USD less
than at present. «This adjustment is not associated with a decrease in the demand for
alloy metals — consumer interest remains fairly
a high level," write the Chinese media, citing
statements by industry experts. «The decline of stainless steel prices is a logical reaction
steel producers on the behavior of Nickel prices, which have shown
market the next stage of the low positions," — commented on the situation in the sector of local
Operators of trading platforms in the PRC to clarify: cold rolled
stainless steel 304 from Chinese producers, according to the updated price,
shipped to foreign buyers (Free on Board) price 2550−2650
USD per tonne («old» prices — 2650−2750 USD for 1,000 kg). Well, new cost per ton
G/K-304 grade products (also in terms of free loading on the transport
customer) will now be 2400−2550 American dollars, whereas the price
equal 2450−2600 USD
per ton of steel.
As mentioned above, the decline in prices for stainless
Chinese steel players of the world market of metallurgical products tied to Nickel
trends. Meanwhile, at the global level was observed, rather, not lower prices
for Nickel, only the return of his quotes on their old positions. So after «peak»
20-Feb (height 18.4 thousand USD) cost
the metal headed for a steady sideways trend (with minor fluctuations in
around 200 $) at the level of 16.5 thousand dollars per ton. Then 10 days of March
graphics «jumped» to the bar at 17.2 thousand and USD 17
Mar again planned to your «usual» level to an indicator of 16.5 thousand dollars
per ton.