Theological aluminum plant will continue to work

Despite the economic difficulties accompanying
aluminum industry the last few months, «Theological aluminum plant» (though
in terms of some restructuring) will continue to work. The «Base»
said management representatives «Rusala», who recently met with
the workforce.
In particular, in his conversation with workers of the enterprise Alexey
Arnautov (head of the Department of «West» of the company «Russian aluminum») said: «Production
aluminum at the Bogoslovsky plant is economically inefficient, and, unfortunately, this enterprise
inhibits the development of your company. Due to obsolete equipment and low
market prices for the products of „Base“ electricity required for melting
metal doesn’t pay. We expected that our suppliers since the beginning of the year
reduce the cost of electricity for the whole plant. However, the tariffs were reduced
only for part of the capacity of the enterprise (this is the 6th series of electrolysis). And for
other production sites energy costs even increased. So
the company’s management decided to stop production at least
profitable plots (this is hull No. 3 and No. 4) and to convert part of the rest of the shops
for the release of new products (with higher added value)».
In addition, Mr. Arnautov once again
focused attention of the staff on the fact that the management of «RUSAL»
ready to ensure employees stop capacity «Theological aluminum
plant» worthy substitute «their» jobs. «Now there is a vacancy in the alumina
unit of the enterprise, and is set in the service departments of the company.
In addition, experienced personnel are required to work on „Boguchany AZ“, which
will start to produce this year, as well as other new businesses
company» — said at a meeting with the factory workers, the representative of the management of «RUSAL».
"Theological aluminum plant" — one of 55 branches
group «Russian aluminium», located in the city of Krasnoturinsk
Sverdlovsk region, RF the Main products of the company are alumina (more than 1
million tons per year) and primary aluminum (approximately 180 thousand tons per year)
the production of which involved about 4,000 people. In structure «Rusala» «BAZ»
included in the spring 2007.