Before the opening of the conference "stainless steel Price – 2013" only 9 days left

After 9 days on Thursday, February 21, in the capital
The Russian Federation will begin its work 7th international conference «Price
stainless steel». This one-day event, which will be held in the conference room
«The fat» of the hotel «Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya» with the participation of producers,
traders, analysts and major companies-consumers of products of the market of special steels of
Russia, CIS and far abroad countries.
In the framework of the conference the participants will discuss a number of pressing
issues «stainless steel» sector. First and foremost, the event will be raised
the topic of pricing in the trade stainless rentals in global
the market (now and in the near future), will discuss the current
the situation in the industry the production of raw materials for the production of special steels (including current
and expected future prices for ferrochrome and Nickel) and to be affected by aspects of the impact
the market of the Customs Union the integration of the Russian economy to the WTO. Also
the participants will be able to discuss the consumption of stainless steel in
Russia in the short term (which will be interesting not only local
manufacturers of special grades of steel, but also importers of rolling the segment)
and jointly analyze the dynamics of changes in the volume of demand for stainless steel in
the country and the world over the last few years. In addition, the event will be held
the presentation of the goods and services of the companies-participants of the exhibition, where attendees
can get acquainted with the most outstanding novelties of the market of corrosion-resistant
The list of speakers, whose speech the organizers of the international conference «the Price of stainless
steel — 2013″ included in the program of the event, including representatives
the Austrian company „Steel & Metals Market Research“, German Bureau
analysts „Heinz H Pariser Alloy Metals & Steel“, Russian company „NORMETIMPEX“,
"Association Spetsstal» (is the initiator of the Symposium), group of companies «Kontinental» and
other organizations working in the sector of special grades of metal.