Another Ukrainian enterprise in titanium industry will be sold this year

Ukrainian manufacturer of titanium dioxide
public joint — stock company «Sumykhimprom» — will be sold this year. About
this was stated by the representatives of the state property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU),
the controlling package of previously owned state assets. According to
market analysts, the most likely buyer of the company is businessman
Dmitry Firtash, which has concentrated the main company
titanium and chemical industries of Ukraine.
We recall, of its intention to sell
Sumy plant of the Cabinet of Ministers said last summer
(the corresponding decree under the number 469-R was prepared July 11).
Transfer of titanium asset in the hands of a private investor, was also planned
last year, however a contest to define a new
owner for PJSC «Sumykhimprom» until now has not been announced.
The last of the SPFU sold objects
titanium industry — LLC «Zaporizhzhya titanium and magnesium plant» — found himself
a new owner recently: the state property Fund officially announced
bidder 3 Jan 2013. They became offshore company «Tolexis
Trading Ltd.» (Cyprus), a member of the group enterprises mentioned above entrepreneur
Dmitry Firtash. Rival Ukrainian businessman was made by the company «LCMA»
(Luxembourg, owner — Igor
Turkin, Russia). However, a lot of the competition went to local oligarch
planning the creation of a single structure in domestic industry production and
processing of titanium raw materials.