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One of the metallurgical enterprises of the Russian JSC
«Mechel» — industrial complex «yuzhuralnikel» — will be stopped, and in the short
the long run sold to a new owner. The representatives of the company
officially announced early this week, naming, as the cause
the closure of the plant, the difficult situation with prices and demand for Nickel. «The Council
of Directors of the company decided to curtail production and ordered
to prepare the equipment of workshops for long-term storage» — said in his
interviews with journalists Evgeny Mikhel, who is in the company «Mechel» chair
the Director-General. «We have to take into account the interests of shareholders, for whom «southern Urals Nickel»
in this situation, loss — making and unpromising assets. So now
the equipment of the plant is preserved, and in this state will have to wait
the moment of launch into operation under the guidance of new investors," he added
the head of the company.
According to the management of joint stock company «Mechel»,
employees of the closing plant will not be left without means of livelihood: in addition to
under the law of measures, management plans to provide employees with Nickel
plant additional assistance and intends to provide them with jobs. «Right now
we are starting up a few new industrial enterprises. They
(and at the existing production facilities of Mechel, of which there are more than 3
dozen) will be able to work unemployed staff»
promise to the company.