Black metal

Currently the most popular, as well as
A strong material for the production of a variety of products remains black
Metal rolling.
This material, made of steel, finds
The widest application in the most different spheres of production, starting from the laying
Roads and ending with the manufacture of parts for cars.
Metal rolling is divided into such
Its main types:
— sheet metal;
— high-quality metal rolling.
Sheet metal is manufactured in the form of rolls,
Strips and stripes.
Long products are produced with a round,
Square and flat sections.
Also in industry, besides black
Rolled metal is widely used and colored rolled metal. Him
Production is made of aluminum, as well as other non-ferrous metals.
Currently, the most popular species
The channels remain channel bars, fittings and pipes that find the largest
Application in the field of construction.
Also I want to note that the above
Types of rolled metal are manufactured using a thermally strengthened
Steel special purpose. It is due to this that they have increased
Hardness and resistance to the effects of an aggressive environment.