Classification of rolled metal

At the moment, metal, and made of
Products are widely used in virtually every field of activity
Rights. Modern metal rolling, as a rule, includes such
Popular metal types like iron, steel, copper, lead and others are actively
materials used. There are two types of metals - black and color. TO
Non-ferrous rolled metal products include aluminum, zinc, magnesium, lead, silver,
Gold, copper, platinum
Have cast iron, chrome, steel, iron, manganese and others.
However, what kind of rolled metal is used
More often? Due to its excellent physical properties, namely strength,
Reliability and durability, ferrous metals are much more profitable
Use. Steel, cast iron and iron are the most widely used today.
Exceptionally all modern methods of smelting and
Processing of metals are subject to improvement and improvement, due to which,
Consequently, their quality is increased and the scope of application is increased.
The use of non-ferrous metals is more common in the electronics,
Radio engineering, aircraft manufacturing and rocket engineering.
To the category of main products is black
Metallurgy include pig iron (linear and re-cast), steel and made of
Ingots, a variety of ferroalloys, the use of which is observed in
Processes of smelting of alloy steels. For the production of sheets, beams, rails
And pipes are also used goods made from ferrous metal.
Non-ferrous metallurgy products are presented in
Form ingots of pure metal, ligatures or alloys. Active use
Similar goods in the processes of instrument making and machine building, as well as
Manufacture of alloyed alloys that go after casting.
As mentioned above, the whole complex
Present metal rolling is represented by two types of metal that have
Its distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages. What about
The latter, then with each passing day the technologies for the production of metals are given
Improvement, which actively eradicates the presence of any
Aspects. At the moment, an impressive number of ways are known and
Methods of manufacturing both color and ferrous metallurgy. As an example, you can
The fact of the creation of metal in the powder industry and its production in
Specialized electric furnaces. Powder industry provides
Possibility of creating new materials that differ in their special composition and
Properties. The products produced by this method are distinguished by high
Strength and very long service life, which in
His turn speaks of the intensive development of the metallurgical industry.