Voronezh Nickel: next meeting – the next court

Sunday November 4, took place in Voronezh
another rally of activists protesting against the development of Two and
Elanskogo deposits of Nickel. And although this time the event was not mass
(it was attended by only a few people), protesters succeeded again
to attract the attention of the wider public: on the ill-fated mines again
talking to the international media. The reason for the arrest of three demonstrators
which could not fail to cause a public outcry.
Witnesses of the accident reported that in the past
Sunday, three activists who promote the protection of the Khoper from «Nickel
vandalism», joined the convoy of local residents participating in
«Russian March» — a ceremonial procession, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the liberation
Russia from Polish invaders (the Commonwealth). However, the participants
antonicelli action was arrested by a police patrol that was charged with
«the discrepancy between the subject agreed with the authorities of the event.»
The trial of the offenders will take place on 12 November. In a press-service
the Voronezh division of the State Department of the Interior
Affairs of the Russian Federation said that «fighters against Nickel» expect a fine in the amount of 10 — 20
thousand. Or — alternatively — a few dozen hours
corrective works «for the benefit of society.»