Titanium valley: the project will be a new resident

At the Special Economic Zone «Titanium valley»
the foreseeable future there will be new residents. It companies from USA, Japan and
Germany, top managers and members of verkhnesaldinskiy enterprises
are in active negotiations. In particular, this week the delegation
which included promoting the interests of the SEZ persons held a number of events
the participation of businessmen of the most powerful industrial regions of Germany — conglomerate
cities of the Rhein-Ruhr and land Hessen. The result of these business meetings have become
several tentative agreements with German businessmen
interested in the conditions of industrial enterprises on the territory of the
«Titanium valley». Representatives of some potential residents will visit
A special Area in the next month.
More good news this week for «Titan
valley» — the statement of the leadership of the Boeing company (USA) on the intention to create
SEZ another joint venture (again in tandem with
VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation), specializing in the processing of titanium. In the aircraft
Corporation more than a year discussed the possibility of this, and finally took on the issue
a positive decision.
According to representatives of the management company «Titanium valley», the interest
it SEZ now
showed more than 50 organizations, half of
which will be included in the project completion of infrastructure of the Special Zone.
However, in the management of the company do not intend to stay: attraction
investors actively, and this work is planned not only to
current and for the coming year. So at the end of February 2013, the representatives of the SEZ
has planned another tour of Japan: this time, the residents of the project
will invite the enterprises of the high-tech industry.