Nickel stocks on Phoenix come to an end

Mining operations on nickel
Open type mine "Phoenix" (one of the Botswana assets of the Norilsk
Nickel ", developed since 1995) will be stopped. Reason - exhaustion
Resources of the field.
Earlier in the international media,
That the bowels of the "Phoenix" section contain (according to data from various sources on
As of 2011 and 2012) from 45 to 201 million tons of nickel ore
With an average metal concentration of 0.215%. At the same time, useful
Fossils on the site in recent years with a speed of about 7 million tons. However, recently
Carried out by employees of the company-owner, geological exploration work is not
Confirmed the presence of nickel in any, justifying the cost of production,
Quantity. In this regard, the owner of "Phoenix" decided to stop further
Its development.
Recall, in Botswana, Norilsk Nickel owns
85% of the securities of Tati Nickel, whose main assets
The above-mentioned "Phoenix" deposit, an underground copper-nickel mine
"Selkirk" and two enrichment enterprises operating on their raw materials base. The owner
The rest of Tati Nickel's portfolio of shares is the government of South Africa