Norilsk Nickel summed up the first half of the year

At MMC Norilsk Nickel summed up the financial performance of the company for the first 6 months of this year. According to preliminary calculations, the company's net profit (under IFRS) amounted to 1.480 billion US dollars, having decreased (in comparison with the same period in 2011) by 19%. According to the comments of representatives of Norilsk Nickel, such a dynamics in terms of indicators is a consequence of the unfavorable situation that prevailed in the non-ferrous metals market during the reporting period. In particular, the main reason for such a noticeable shortcoming is the decline in prices for nickel, copper and other (profile for the MMC) resources.
In the preliminary financial report published by Norilsk Nickel, it is indicated that for the first six months of this year the company's revenue amounted to $ 5.93 billion (which is worse than last year's result by the same 19%). Sales volumes of the main metals produced by MMC - nickel and copper - amounted to almost $ 4 billion, down by 23% to the previous year. A slightly less radical difference between the current and 2011 figures is the revenue from sales of gold, palladium and platinum (-16%). At the same time, the gross profit of the manufacturer in all directions for the period covered in the report was 2.875 billion (which is a third less than the data for January-June 2011).