The Norilsk Nickel project on modernization of the Zapolyarny mine is completed

Norilsk Nickel specialists completed the preparation of design documentation for the modernization of the Zapolyarny mine and handed it over to the FAU Glavgosexpertiza for approval.
The project implemented by Norilsk Nickel will allow the company to significantly increase the production capacity of Zapolyarnoye: from the level of 1.2 million tons of annual raw materials production to 2 million tons. MMK's management plans to reach these indicators step by step - until 2019. The modernization program of the mine involves involving into the development of previously unused reserves of disseminated ores and construction of infrastructure facilities of Zapolyarny (including buildings and water supply routes, energy and heat supply). According to preliminary estimates, to implement this program, Norilsk Nickel will need investments exceeding $ 620 million.
OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel is one of the most powerful operators of the global market of non-ferrous and precious metals. Its share in world nickel production is 22%. The company also produces about 3% of the world's copper reserves, 38% of palladium and 9% of platinum. In addition, silver, gold, osmium, iridium, selenium and other metals are available in the range of minerals extracted at the facilities of the enterprise. The assets of Norilsk Nickel (except Russia) are located in Australia, Finland, South Africa and Botswana. In the development strategy of the company, a special place is given to the program for optimizing the raw materials base.