Three participants in anti-nickel demonstrations fined

Within two weeks, three participants of the protest rally "Against Nickel" were convicted under Article 20.2
The plaintiff in the case was a certain Konstantin Botnev, "outraged by the actions of the protesters" in relation to the governor of the region. However, at none of the court sessions the mysterious initiator of the proceedings did not appear.
The "fined" activists do not plan to refuse further participation in anti-nickel activities: the lawyers who join the case prepare appeals to the relevant structures, and the "In Defense of Khopra" movement took the responsibility for paying fines for "troublemakers".
Recall that the movement against the development of nickel mines in the Voronezh region (Elkinsky and Elanskoye fields) was organized this spring. Activists have held protest rallies many times, however, until now there have been no conflicts with the law among the participants of anti-nickel activities.