Norilsk Nickel began upgrading the equipment of the Taimyrsky mine

At the Taimyrsky mine - one of the Russian assets of MMC Norilsk Nickel -
Works on modernization of lifting installations are started. This is the first stage of the program
Reconstruction of the equipment of the facility, within the framework of which the company management
Plans to increase mine productivity by 15% (from 3.5 million to 4 million tons
Ore per year). According to the management of Norilsk Nickel, only at the first stage
Modernization of Taimyr will require investments of more than 1 billion rubles.
Reconstruction of the mine in relation to this part of the program, management of MMC
Plans to finish by mid-summer next year.
The construction of the Taimyrsky mine (one of the Zapolyarny
Branch of MMC, developing the deposits of Talnakh-October Copper-Nickel
Deposits) was started in 1974 and completed 10 years after the start of the project.
Opening of deposits of minerals on the site is carried out by six mines, the trunk
The deepest of which extends deep into the earth's crust for more than 1500 meters.
OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel is the world's largest nickel producer and one
From the most powerful operators of the market of copper, palladium, cobalt, rhodium, silver,
Ruthenium and other metals. In addition to Russian assets, the corporation owns a number of
Production enterprises in Australia, Finland, South Africa
Republic and other states of the world.