Basic principles of the production of non-ferrous metals

Metallurgy is an industry
Metallurgy, which is engaged in mining
And the enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores and
Melting of non-ferrous metals, as well as their
Alloys. Since non-ferrous metals can be
Divided into light and heavy, then separate
Industrial production of color
Metallurgy of light and heavy metals.
Placement of production facilities such
Type most often depends on natural
Conditions and economic factors.
But the most important thing here is still
Namely the raw material factor. In addition to raw materials
A big role is played in the same way
Fuel and energy features
The area in which the
Production of non-ferrous metals. how
Rule, in almost every country
There are several color databases at once
Metallurgy. Production of heavy
Metal does not require a lot of
Energy, so very often it can
Be located directly in the
Areas of extraction of raw materials. If speak about
Lead-zinc industry, then
It gravitates to the areas in which it is mined
Polymetallic ores.
Production of non-ferrous metallurgy.
In some countries to such an industry as
Industrial production of color
Metallurgy includes mining and processing
Ores of different non-ferrous metals. Besides,
In this form of production, there is also
Passing products, which are
Various kinds of chemical compounds,
Building materials and mineral
Fertilizer. Due to the fact that there is
A wide variety of ore raw materials and
A large number of technological
Processes, non-ferrous metallurgy produces
A wide range of different
Products. In the structure of industrial
Production of non-ferrous metallurgy
Change. So for the last time
The production of rare
And light non-ferrous metals, as well as
Semiconductor and special
Materials. In order to deal with
Production of light metals is required
A lot of energy, so
Light color non-ferrous
Metals are most often
Near sources of inexpensive
Energy. Generally, the production of some
Types of non-ferrous metals is
Multi-stage process, so
Initial and final stages
Production cycle may be
In different areas.