Meeting of shareholders of VSMPO-Avisma

June 29, the next meeting of shareholders of the Russian titanium monopolist
- Open Joint-Stock Company VSMPO-Avisma Corporation. On the agenda
Day, the organizers of the event have several questions, and one of the main ones -
Distribution of profit between the owners of securities of the company based on the results of work in the
2011. If the dividends proposed by the VSMPO Board of Directors are
Participants of the meeting approved, payments for each share will amount to 26.52 rubles (or
In 5.2 times more than last year).
Recall that in 2011, VSMPO-Avisma's net profit under RAS was 3,058
Billion rubles, and the Board of Directors recommended that the shareholders
Dividends of 1/10 of this amount. In 2010, the company's profit was 0.664
Billion rubles (4.7 times less). However, as dividends it was decided to pay
58.8 million rubles (5.1 rubles each for 11 529 538 securities of the titanium company).
VSMPO-Avisma Corporation is the world market leader in titanium and alloys based on it.
The organization provides 1,500 companies from Russia with "winged metal" products
And more than 250 foreign consumers in 39 countries of the world. More than 65% of the assets of OJSC
Belongs to Rostekhnologii (through the subsidiary company Oboronimpeks), a large
Part of the remaining securities (about a quarter) is a free float of the corporation.