Crimean TITAN changes the composition of the Board

The press center of the private joint-stock company "Crimean TITAN" (Ukraine, the city of Armyansk) reported on the change in the composition of the organization's officials. Following the results of the meeting of the Supervisory Board held on Wednesday, May 16, Vladimir Volkov was included in the Management Board of the company (instead of Valery Kalmykov, who had abandoned these powers, he left the post ahead of schedule on his own initiative).
Prior to his election to the Board of PJSC "Crimean TITAN" Mr. Volkov served as the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the open joint-stock company "Sumykhimprom" (production of titanium dioxide, phosphate fertilizers and iron oxide pigments), combining these powers with the duties of the director for the production of the same Enterprise. Prior to this appointment (until April 2010), Vladimir Nikolayevich held the position of Technical Director of CJSC Crimean TITAN.
In the Management Board of the titanium company, Mr. Volkov will remain until April 14, 2016 - until the term when the current composition of the management will fold its powers according to the charter of the joint-stock company.
JSC "Crimean TITAN" was established in the summer of 2004. "Ostchem Germany GmbH" owns the "50% -1 share" package, the "50% + 1 share" portfolio is owned by the State Joint-Stock Company "Titan". The company specializes in the production of titanium dioxide, ferrous sulfate, aluminum sulfate and other chemical products. In addition, in the near future, the company's management plans to master the metallurgical branch of the industry and set up the production of titanium metal.