Non-ferrous metals in production and construction.

To color
Metals are all metals, for
Except for ferrous metals and,
Accordingly, their alloys. Colored
Metals can be divided into several
Species. Heavy metals include zinc,
Copper, lead and nickel. To light metals
Include magnesium, titanium and aluminum.
Platinum metals are commonly called
Noble. The indicated types of colored
Metals, in turn, are divided
On a number of subgroups, which, incidentally, have
A very conditional division. Thus, some
Specialists subdivide color
Metals on rare-earth, refractory,
Radioactive and dispersed metals.
Non-ferrous metals have another name
- Non-ferrous metal rolling. To color
Metals can include some
Elements in the periodic table, which
Valence and their inertness is slightly increased
When interacting with other substances,
If compared with conventional metals.
It is after processing of non-ferrous metals
Can rightfully be called colored
Rolled metal products. Such processing
Is produced by several methods. When
It should be noted that
The more modern and mobile method
Production of non-ferrous metals,
The final result is more qualitative
Product made. By the general rule
To non-ferrous metallurgy include mining,
Enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores, and
Their production. Proceeding from what has been said,
We can say that non-ferrous metallurgy
Is a branch of metallurgy and includes
Extraction, enrichment of ores of non-ferrous metals.
The location of the enterprises is colored
Metallurgy is directly dependent on factors
Economic order, as well as from
Natural conditions. The role of the notable
Character here can play and
Fuel-energy factor. On
Territory of our country was formed
Several databases that directly relate to
And now to non-ferrous metallurgy.
The dissimilarity of their specialization can be
Explained in the differences in the geography of the lungs
Metals, as well as heavy metals.
It should be noted that production
Heavy metals has a need for
Small amount of energy. Due
With this, the production of these metals
Is confined to the areas of extraction of raw materials. Other
The situation is formed by the extraction of light
Metals, where a large
Amount of energy. This circumstance
Dictates the concentration of enterprises,
Which smelted light metals.
Non-ferrous metals according to their purpose
Are an element that
Significant and important for metallurgical
Industry. Extraction of natural
Metal is limited by the sources of nature
And, accordingly, can not fail to appear
Process is rather difficult and protracted.
The use of scrap metals can competently,
And most importantly economize resources
Our country, which is impossible
To make up. In the classical pure form
Non-ferrous metals are very rarely used
In construction. Quite often find
Alloys of non-ferrous metals,
Which by the criterion of their density
Subdivided into light and heavy.
Use of non-ferrous metals in
Production occurs, mainly in the
Form of alloys, and less often, in the form of pure
Metal. In general, the use of metals
Necessary to protect against corrosion,
Engineering use metals in
Form of a powdery substance. Besides
Mentioned branch, wide application
Nonferrous metals have in shipbuilding,
Aviation, and missile technology. Also it is impossible
Bypassing the attention and electronics, atomic
Equipment, instrumentation, radio engineering.
It's no secret that modern industry
Has a need for light-alloy alloys and
High strength. They have
Following characteristics: high
Strength and high-temperature
Properties. To the basic metals of the lungs
Alloys can be handled with all responsibility
Include aluminum, magnesium, titanium, beryllium.
Alloys based on aluminum and magnesium are not
Can be applied under the condition of high
Temperature and in environments of aggressive
Character. Heavy alloys are manufactured
From copper, zinc, lead, and also from tin.
Among alloys of heavy type in construction
Now finds its application
Bronze, brass. It is from them that they make
Details for architecture and fittings
Sanitary and technical purpose.
In addition, non-ferrous metal is used
In the manufacture of equipment that has
Different purpose. In the Russian
Regions there is a production of this
Raw materials in large quantities. One of
Most popular and common
Non-ferrous metals are zinc and
aluminum. Zinc is a non-ferrous metal,
Which is to be forged and rolled at
Condition of its heating about one hundred and fifty
Degrees. At a temperature of less than
Degrees, this metal is brittle
Construction. The properties of zinc can be
Carry the fact that the metal in question
Not afraid of corrosion. However, zinc and
Has the properties of resistance to action
Acids of alkaline type. Zinc fusion
Occurs at a temperature of four hundred
Nineteen degrees Celsius.
Aluminum is different from zinc. This difference
Is that the properties of the given
Metal of a mechanical nature are low
And are preserved even at sufficiently low
Temperature regimes. It is impossible not to note
Such an property of aluminum as thermal conductivity
And plasticity. It is aluminum
Belongs to a significant part and area
Application in the food industry, then in
Construction, rocket construction and
Aircraft construction. Another obvious
The advantage of this metal is that
It has a low density, so
Less, has great strength. Copper
As a non-ferrous metal has a larger
Compared with previous metals
Spread in nature. Copper has
Such characteristics as thermal conductivity,
Electrical conductivity, ability to
Melting. It is due to the described
Properties this metal has acquired extensive
Distribution and scope
- Mechanical engineering. In addition, copper found
Its place in the manufacture of vessels,
Different capacities, pipelines
Different purposes. Additionally,
It should be said that in the aircraft industry and
Chemical industry are applicable
Such metals as hafnium, titanium, molybdenum,
zirconium. Proceeding from this, it becomes,
It is obvious that the field of application of color
Metals is very diverse. Specific
Colored metal has a number of properties,
Thanks to which he is referred to
Defined group of non-ferrous metal.
Most non-ferrous metals have a common
Properties can be attributed heat capacity
And thermal conductivity with high indexes
And rapid cooling after welding
Works. It would seem that this is unconditional
a plus. But not everything is so simple in nature itself
Of the metals under consideration. This is an advantage
Can turn into a disadvantage. For example,
When working with a metal such as magnesium
And the copper parts must be heated
Solely before welding,
In the process of using sources
Heat of a powerful type. Further, when heated
Non-ferrous metals
Of a mechanical nature, from this
It follows that it is tiresome not to strike at
Manufactured products on
This stage of production. If colored
Metals compare with ferrous metals,
Then it should be noted a very big drawback
Non-ferrous metals. This is what they are
pollute the environment. The thing is
That at large volumes of heating
Non-ferrous metals, of which
Gases that interact with the surrounding
Medium. The most dangerous in this respect
Such non-ferrous metals as titanium, tantalum,
molybdenum. By the way, tantalum is a color
Metal, which is often called
Active metal precisely because of this
Not a very good property. But we will return
To the undoubted advantages of color
Metals. All non-ferrous metals have
Long enough time
Operation provided that they are
Protection from oxygen will be provided.
It is under the influence of oxygen that they
Are being destroyed. In order to protect the color
Metal from corrosion processes, on
Paint materials are applied to it
Destination. They have properties
Protective nature. Primers and paints
Also needed and useful for color
Metals. Coating of the metal with paint
Can avoid oxidation, and
Allows to carry out a primer. When
It is necessary to apply a primer
Understand that different metals must
Be primed with a different composition.
For example, to an aluminum base
A zinc primer is required. For example,
Bronze and brass are processed in
Specialized organizations
Special formulations, which in the case of
You can delete
Substance, as a solvent. Based
Stated, we can say that the color
Metal is an essential element,
Used in various spheres
Life-support of society, which
Has a certain specificity,
Which must be understood.