The development of the market of Nickel in countries of the Asian region

Metallurgical company «Jinchuan Group Ltd», leader in the production of Nickel in China, has again raised the prices of their own products. In particular, this time the price of Nickel increased by 1.7% (according to results of the recent rise in prices raised the metal’s price by 10.4%). New cost of production «Jinchuan Group Ltd» will make 180 thousand Chinese yuan per tonne ($28 thousand) Recall that the previous (fifth) June hike has increased the price of the metal of 1.1%, or $ 311 $ or 2000 yuan / ton. Thus, in that period the price of Nickel reached 27,28 thousand dollars or 176 thousand yuan per ton. Positive dynamics in the development of observed among metallurgists of another Asian country — Indonesia. Nickel group «PT International Nickel Indonesia», according to foreign media profile, in the second quarter of 2011 to increase production of Nickel by 13% compared with the first quarter. Nickel matte were produced in the enterprise 18, 6 thousand tons, which is 2% higher than in the second quarter of 2010.
This growth, the company has been achieved through a stable production level of the plant «Sorowako», decrease in production which in the first quarter of the company to explain natural disasters — earthquakes and storms.
For the record, in the first half of 2010 the net profit of concern «PT International Nickel Indonesia» increased sixfold, compared with the same period of 2009 and reached 218,78 million dollars. The main stake for the extraction of Nickel «PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk» is divided between two corporations: canadian «Vale Inco» (60,8%) and Japanese «Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.» (20.1 per cent).