The company "VSMPO Titan Ukraine" has summed up work in the first half

According to data published by the press service of OOO «VSMPO Titan Ukraine» on the capacity of enterprises in the I half of 2011 there were 170 thousand m of tubular products from titanium (164,4 tons). In particular, the company during this period, was released 169,4 thousand meters cold drawn seamless titanium tube (152,5 tons in recalculation on weight of goods) and about 12 tons of pipe products produced by hot deformation (about 600 linear feet of pipe). The last of these indicators applies to products released in cooperation with LLC «Interpipe Niko Tube».In addition, in its press releases, the management of OOO «VSMPO Titan Ukraine» reports on the modernization of pipe-rolling equipment at the company’s facilities. We are talking about the refurbishment of laboratory facilities, improving the nodes of rotation of the feed mills HPT-32 and HPT-55, and the improvement of existing equipment for heat treatment of metals. Besides the above optimizations of the production processes, the management of OOO «VSMPO Titan Ukraine» has taken a number of actions to debug the efficiency of use of labor potential. As a result of innovations, the company held a 10% reduction of the administrative apparatus. For reference: Nikopol Yuzhnotrubnyi plant, which is now working, OOO «VSMPO Titan Ukraine» was launched in April 1935. The titanium products are sold in 25 countries, including Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Germany, UK, Spain, USA, Italy, France, Sweden, Japan and other countries.