In the next two decades, Boeing will buy titanium parts for $17 billion.

As told his interviewers with
TV-channel «Russia today»
Sergey Kravchenko (President
representative of «Boeing» in the countries
CIS), management of the Corporation plans
have until 2032 to invest in the purchase of parts
titanium, produced by Russian
companies, about 17 billion U.S. dollars.
«For the company «Boeing» manufacturers
Russia (the countries leading in titanium
industry) are the key suppliers
the «winged» metal," — said
Sergey Kravchenko. «And we are constantly
invest in strengthening
partnerships with Russian
Federation buying here engineering
development, equipment, parts, investing
funds in the development of modern
technologies," he added.
Also representative of the largest
manufacturer of aviation equipment
noted that the Corporation is pleased to provide
assistance to the Russian government in
the process of modernization of the country, and boasts a
however, that has the opportunity to develop
with representatives of the state
the joint projects. As an example
Mr. Kravchenko mentioned the enterprise
the processing of titanium created together
with «Rostekhnologii», to which
«Boeing» has made 50% of the funds required for
the launch of the plant.
In addition, during the interview, the President
representative of «Boeing» in the CIS countries
noted good prospects for development
the Russian aircraft industry. It
expressed confidence that in the near future
decades of aviation industry of the country
will take a worthy place on the global
market cruise technology, surpassing leaders
industry «Boeing» and «Airbus».