Norilsk Nickel resumes on Australian mines

Russian mining and metallurgical company «Norilsk Nickel» defrost enterprises in Australia, work on which was stopped in 2009. The first plant has resumed production of Nickel concentrate in the continent, became beneficiation plant Lake Johnston — reported the experts of the press service of the organization. Its facilities are located 540 kilometers from the capital of Western Australia, Perth (South-West mainland). Raw materials the company provides the sulphide underground mine Maggie Hays and the products are delivered to the Finnish refinery Nickel Harjavalta NN (one of the most effective deceleration factories in the industry).
In a press release MMC Norilsk Nickel
the capacities of the mine and
beneficiation plant Lake Johnston designed
for processing about half a million
tons of ore per year. According to forecasts of experts,
by the end of 2011 on the equipment
the concentrator will be made
25 thousand tons of concentrate, and by the summer of next
year Lake Johnston will be able to go on the volume
production at its design capacity.
Other Australian mines
the company (Black Swan and Cawse) can run
in 2012. Currently initiated
the process of studying the feasibility
justification for their thawing.