In the first quarter on the world market of nonferrous metals there was an excess of Nickel

According to the report, published by the world Bureau of Metal Statistics (World Bureau of Metal Statistics, Hertfordshire, South East England), in the first three months of this year, the global nonferrous metals market was experiencing a slight excess of Nickel. So at the end of the first quarter the production volume of this metal exceeded consumption by 6,300 ton, — reported the experts WBMS. However, by the end of the first quarter the balance of production and consumption has shifted significantly in the direction of deficit. In particular, in the last month of the above period Nickel mining companies produced 130,9 thousand tons of this metal, and its consumption amounted to 130,2 thousand tons. In comparison with the period January-March last year (when producers of Nickel were produced 346,8 thousand tons), the production volume of this metal in 2011, according to the first-quarter increased by 18%, to 409,1 thousand tons (an increase of 62.3 thousand tons more). While global apparent demand for it rose during the reporting period, only 42 thousand tons in comparison with the volumes of demand in 2010.
Largely on the situation with an excess of Nickel was influenced by statistics from Japanese companies and dynamics of the consumption of metal on the domestic market: the Japanese producers increased production volumes of Nickel in the first quarter of 2011, 1,200 tons, while the demand for these products among domestic consumers fell by 1700, etc