Japanese stainless steel producers in the first quarter of 2011 increased volumes of output

For the period January — March 2011 (compared to the first months of last year) metallurgists of Japan increased its stainless steel production nearly 10%. According to Yieh Corp, total production of stainless steel iron and steel companies of this country amounted to more than 935 thousand tons. However, in comparison with other Asian producers, these results don’t look bright. Recall that the metallurgists of China in the first quarter of 2011 increased stainless steel production by 26%.The most productive Steelworkers in the Country of the Rising Sun was this year the month of January, when Japanese manufacturers were produced in order to 337,000 tonnes of stainless steel. In February the volumes of its output was reduced by 7% (amounting to 313 thousand tons), the volume of imports of stainless steel increased by 31% and amounted to more than 13000 tons. In March, the decline in production reached 8.9% (compared to the previous month), bringing the total amount of stainless steel produced in Japan in the 3rd month was a 285,4 thousand tons.
In the near future, analysts stainless Japan market predict growth of volumes of production because the country needs stainless metal (due to the need to reconstruct areas affected by the March earthquake and tsunami).