The Titan monopolist of the Russian market opens a branch office in Beijing

Verkhnaya Salda metallurgical production Association AVISMA Corporation opens a sales office of their own products (titanium, ferrotitanium, aluminum and products made from these metals) to China (Beijing, Tianjin province). The unit will be called «VSMPO-TIRUS (Beijing) Metallic Materials limited» and will lead the subsidiary of Mr. Lin Bao. The company is created in the free trade area and will serve to expand partnerships, corporations, and maintain existing relationships with VSMPO consumers in China, Korea and other countries in Southeast Asia. On the territory of the Republic of China, located offices of major companies, being consumers of titanium products made of this metal — says the official report of the Corporation.
VSMPO-AVISMA already owns sales agencies in many countries. This «VSMPO TiRus Ltd» (England), «VSMPO-TiRus US» (United States), a unit of Germany «VSMPO TiRus GmbH», the Swiss branch of «TiRus International SA», the Ukrainian subsidiary of «VSMPO Titan Ukraine».
About 70% of titanium produced by VSMPO-AVISMA, is exported. A list of regular customers of the Corporation consists of more than 300 companies located in 48 countries around the world, including the famous Boeing, Rolls Royce, Airbus, «Pratt&Whitney», «SNECMA» and other famous companies worldwide.