Spanish producers of stainless pipes increase sales

The company TUBACEX, the headquarters of which is located in the municipality of Llodio (Spain), has reported significant growth in sales of stainless steel pipes of its own production. According to data provided by representatives of the Spanish enterprises in the 1st quarter of 2011 the volume of sales of TUBACEX increased to 119 million euros. Thus, indicators Jan-Mar 2011 exceeded financial results of the company for the same period last year to 64%, according to Steel Business Briefing.
Such sales have enabled TUBACEX to return to profitability (the EBITDA of the company for the reporting period amounted to 12 million euros). And the company expects to maintain a positive trend until at least the end of the year. We will remind that last year in reports of the enterprise included the net loss, the amount of which amounted to more than €4 million.
TUBACEX has been on the market stainless steel 60-ies of XX century and currently exports its products to more than 60 countries. Today the company is among the three world leaders in the production of stainless steel pipes.
The main products manufactured at the facilities of a TUBACEX, intended for nuclear, food, automotive, aviation and petrochemical sectors. The branches of the enterprise work in Germany, France, Russia, Poland, USA, Canada, Austria, Holland, Czech Republic, Hungary and other countries.