Finnish miners of Nickel increasing pace

For manufacturers
Nickel from Finland the first quarter of
work has been productive. So,
the press center of MMC «Norilsk
Nickel», which owns the assets of the Finnish
the Harjavalta refinery (the only
nikelerafinirovochnogo enterprises in
Finland), in its capacity this
the company was issued more than 11.5 million tons of
Nickel. It exceeds the indicators of «Norilsk
Nickel Harjavalta» in the 1st quarter of 2010 by 31%.
The growth in production of
finished products the company’s specialists
explain significant increases in download
processing capacity of the complex,
including through the supply
intermediates (matte)
third-party companies.
About successful results
work misleading and the representatives of the Finnish
company «Talvivaara Mining Co Plc», which
has the rights to develop Nickel
fields, Kolmisoppi and Kuusilampi.
In the first quarter of the current year the company
received 8.8 million euros in net profit (in
compared with 14 million loss in the same
period in 2010). The concern in the first months
it has managed to increase the volume
Nickel production to a record high
in 4,215 thousand tons.
According to Pekka Pera,
the head of the company «Talvivaara Mining», increase
the amount of profit of the group contributed
positive dynamics of the prices for Nickel,
confidently standing in the corridor between
24 and 28 thousand US dollars per ton and tangible
the growth in supply which characterized the
the first quarter of 2011.