Tin foil Babbitt B-83

As is known,
In our time in industry and
Construction began to be widely used
Various metal alloys that
Most well-suited to certain
Conditions. Such an alloy is babbit
Is an alloy based on tin or zinc.
There are many different
Brands of babbits, among which
Tin babbitt
Widespread Babbit B83). What
Features of a tin babbit?
At first
Should be given a characteristic of tin -
Metal, which is used as a
Bases for the tin babbit. Tin -
Metal of silvery-white color, possessing
Good plasticity, which is
Air has a property gradually
Covered with a protective oxide layer. In
The combustion time from it forms a white
Powder - tin oxide SnO2, used
As a polishing agent. Tin
Used to cover other metals
And protect them from corrosion, it is made of
White tin for cans. Besides
In addition to many alloys,
There is tin (for example,
Low-temperature solders, printing,
Tin-based products such as
Babbit B83, B88, B83C, SAE11, SAE12, ASTM, are used,
When the antifriction material needs
In high viscosity and minimal
Coefficient of friction. Tin Babbit,
In contrast to lead, has more
High corrosion resistance,
Wear resistance and thermal conductivity, and
Also a lower coefficient of linear
All babbits
Have a significant drawback -
They have low resistance to fatigue,
Which leads to a decrease in efficiency
Bearings. The same can be said about
And about the tin babbit B83. Having a small
Strength, tin babbit can
Successfully applied only in bearings,
Which have a durable cast iron, steel
Or a bronze case. Usually,
Production of thin-walled bearing
Car engine inserts
By punching out
Bimetallic tape, which is obtained
On the line of continuous pouring. Term
Bearings depends on the
Thickness of the babbitt alloy layer, which
Poured on a steel liner. When
A decrease in the thickness of the babbitt layer,
Longer working time
Rule, tin babbit
B-83 is used in engineering for
Bearings that work with
High speeds and loads of medium
Values; Bearings of turbines, crosshead,
Crankshaft and frame bearings
Low-speed diesels, support bearings
Ridging shafts.