The Department of exploration of "Norilsk Nickel" this year in the exploration of minerals will be invested 1.8 billion rubles

According to
provided to journalists by the head
geological Department of MMC
Norilsk Nickel, Oleg Simonov,
metallurgical company this year
investing in exploration useful
fossils of the order of 1.8 billion rubles. In
the company plans the drilling of rocks in the volumes
exceeding the 114,000 meters. At
forecasts of experts of Department,
in 2011 the increase in reserves can be
about 135 tonnes of platinum group metals, more than 550 thousand tons.
copper and 180,000 tonnes of Nickel.
The amount of capital investment
«Norilsk Nickel» in the exploration
work in the current year exceeds the level
investment in exploration
2009 and 2010 (430 and 560 million rubles, respectively).
However, below the volumes of 2008 (pre-crisis)
year, when the company was invested in exploration
2,976 billion. At the same time Mr. Simonov
noted that the amount of funding
exploration is not always
proportional to the growth rate
stocks. For example, in 2009, when
investment in prospecting of non-ferrous and
precious metals were minimal
proved to be the company’s most
The priority for
the company’s areas experts
geological Directorate of MMC include
the development of the mineral resource base in
The Norilsk industrial area and near
functioning of industrial capacity
Of the Kola Peninsula. Here, the experts
Directorate of exploration see the future to find
richer ore concentration
of Nickel is greater than 1% (which is above the content
precious metal ores, developed
Kola MMC at the moment).