Stainless steel band

Tape is used in many industries
Economy, including, in mechanical engineering,
Automotive, electrical,
Because it has a huge industrial
Tape, according to its types
Processing can be divided into the following
Groups: soft stainless tape (M),
Semi-finished stainless steel tape
(PN), cold-worked stainless steel tape
(H), high-hardened stainless
Tape (BH). Thickness
The tape, as a rule, is 0.15 - 6 mm,
And the width is 12-1524 mm. Soft stainless
Tape - annealed, with high
Plastic properties, because such a
Tape is often used to create
Various forms, including corrugating. Half-Hart,
Highly-hardened and cold-worked
Stainless steel bands are characterized by
Hardness and strength. Frosting
Called mechanical hardening
Surface properties using
Plastic deformation. At the end
Of this process stainless tape
Acquires strength, hardness, and
At the same time, becomes less plastic
And has a lower impact strength. Than
The higher the coefficient of cold work, the harder it is
And less plastic strap.
Therefore, high-hardened stainless
Tape is considered to be one of the hardest and
Non-plastic. Stainless
Ribbons also differ in the form of their
Edges (edged, not edged), accuracy
Their manufacture (normal, high
And high), the surface view (1,2,3 groups),
And the quality of the surface (classes A, B, B,
G, D, E). Stainless
The tape is used for manufacturing
Dishes, springs, brackets, different
Clamps, in the automotive industry,
In the aircraft industry, in the manufacture of household
Technology, with decorative design
Furniture, fencing