EVRAZ developing new special steel grades

JSC «Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant», part of Evraz Group S. A., has launched the production of slabs of new brands of special steel with a low content of harmful impurities and precision the content of titanium and niobium used for the alloying metal. Steel of strength class X70 meets the requirements for API classification (American Petroleum Institute), thanks to which a new product NTMK will be used for the production of pipes of gas pipelines and neftegastruba high pressure in the United States. The first thousand tons of metal with high requirements for chemical composition have already been sent to the United States.
As has informed the correspondent the Vice-President — head of the Division «Siberia» Alexey Ivanov, EVRAZ has continuously adapted its own range of products in accordance with market requirements. Only over the past year, steelmakers iron and steel works mastered the production of 17 brand new to the steel grades of steel and modified many of the previously cultivated varieties (more than 70 variations). New types of special steel (depending on alloy composition) have high corrosion resistance, durability and strength.
But enterprises are located in Russia and Ukraine, «Evraz Grup S. A.» owns assets in many countries, including USA, Canada, Europe (Czech Republic, Italy) and South Africa. The group includes dozens of organizations, including steelmaking company, coke plants, mining companies. In addition to these areas, the company occupies a leading position on the world market of vanadium and vanadium products.