Asian stainless steel cheaper

Metallurgical company Taiyuan Iron & Steel Group (China) and Yieh United Steel Corporation (Taiwan) announced the reduction of the cost of stainless steel for delivery in April this year.
The first of these reduced the cost of stainless steel 304 at 335 US $ per tonne (as for cold-rolled products of stainless steel, and hot rolled). The price of the rental brand 430 (cold rolling) has not changed, and in the 4th month will be sold at the same price.
Taiwanese colleagues metallurgists from mainland China have reduced the prices of exported stainless steel 50−100 USD per ton, for cold-rolled steel and hot rolled steel of both brands.
The argument for such action Asian manufacturers was the decline in the value of Nickel (a component that have the most significant effect on the price of the alloy metals of these varieties). The metal recently fell by 13%, significantly reducing the cost of steel production of stainless steel.
It should be noted that both manufacturers (and the Chinese company Tisco, and a Taiwanese steel company Yusco) predict a continuation of the positive dynamics in the development of stainless steel market in 2011. Earlier in the specialized media reported that the Asian stainless steel producers (in particular, the metallurgists of China) said about 10−13% growth in production volumes of stainless steel (when comparing the first months of this year and last years).