Exclusive stainless steel railings.

Probably many
I've seen in various centers,
Shops or just in private homes
Railings made of stainless steel, but almost
Nobody knows how they are made
And are brought to perfection.
Undoubtedly, the prices for
Stainless steel railings significantly
Higher than say on wood, but in this
There is an excuse. Firstly, this is
Of course, exclusive and modern
View, secondly the manufacture of handrails from
Stainless steel — quite complicated
And a time-consuming process requiring
Certain skills.
For achievement
Maximum effect, the master has to
Handle all welds before
Pores, until the surface becomes absolutely
Smooth and mirror. For this
Special grinding wheels are used
Circles that the master constantly changes
On more sparing and in the end, he
Puts a soft, felt wheel,
On it polishing paste and brings
The product to the present, pure luster.
Welding the railing from
Stainless steel is special
Trained welder — «argon». In
The price depends on skill
Welding process, since the welding process with
The use of argon requires a long
Training, but the quality of the products
Justifies all costs.
In addition to their visual
Qualities, stainless steel handrails
Have a number of practical advantages.
One, and most important, of them is the absolute
Ignoring the main enemy of metals
— moisture. Stainless steel quite calmly
Carries a variety of unfavorable
Weather conditions and still does not lose
Its attractiveness for many years.
And yet, as for any
Thing, care for the rails of stainless
I need you. Approximately once every six months
They should be wiped with a special
Aerosol, which is sold in
Specialized stores, but more often
Total company manufacturer upon completion
Works leaves one cylinder for the customer
Such a facility.
And in conclusion I wanted to
To note one more pleasant moment.
The price of a stainless steel railings
Times will justify itself at sale
Real estate where they are installed,
Creating an atmosphere of wealth and good