"Crimean Titan" won the tender c volume of product in the amount of $ 4.54 million

According to information from the web potral public procurement, Joint-stock company «Crimean Titan» (the largest manufacturer of titanium dioxide in Eastern Europe) won the tender for the supply of ilmenite concentrate for the production needs of the enterprise «Zaporizhzhya Titanium and Magnesium Plant». We are talking about the implementation of 55 thousand tons, which in monetary terms amounts to about 36 million Ukrainian hryvnia, or 4.54 million USD.
CJSC «Crimean TITAN» («Crimea TITAN») was established in August 2004 At the moment the company sells its products in the markets of 53 countries and supplies about 30% of all titanium dioxide for the needs of Russian enterprises.
«Zaporizhia Titanium and Magnesium Plant» received the status of «state Enterprise» in December 1999 and today is the only Ukrainian company for the production of metallic spongy titanium. Power, K. P. «ztmc» is designed to produce about 20 thousand tons of production a year. About 80% of the products manufactured at the plant are exported and used chemical industry, aircraft spacecraft and rocket.