In Ukraine launched a new line for the production of titanium tubes

The commissioning of the new rolling mill on-site truboprofilnogo factory shop, OOO «VSMPO Titan Ukraine», designed for the production of precision pipes of titanium and titanium alloys, came at the end of January 2011. On the installation technology specialists took ten months (the installation of the mill КРW25 LC was started in April of last year).
According to the press service of the Corporation on the new high-precision equipment is planned to produce titanium tubes with a wall thickness of 0.4 to 4.5 mm and diameters from 6 to 30 mm. After the commissioning of the new plant, monthly planned output will be about 50 metric tons, which, when recalculated for a period of 12 months, will exceed 600 M. T. of titanium pipe.
The volume of investments in the launch of the new mill, designed by specialists of the German company SMS MEER GmbH, amounted to more than $5 million management believes the pipe plant, the products manufactured on that line will help the company to take more strategic positions on the market of high-quality titanium products.
Recall that the founders of «VSMPO Titan Ukraine» are to open joint stock company «Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA» (the Russian company is the world leader in titanium production) and joint-stock company «VSMPO Titan Scandinavia» (a subsidiary of the Corporation).