In Vladimir (Russia) launched a new line for production of stainless pipes

equipment commissioned
at the end of January, beginning of
its work thanks to the efforts of specialists
Italian Corporation «Marcegaglia», which
combines about 50
processing plants of steel,
located in various countries around the world.
specific project (two new automatic
lines for production of welded
stainless steel pipe and tube) cost
investors in the €5 million. In total (for
the last three years) in the development of Vladimir
company OOO «Marcialla Ru» was
invested around 22 million euros. In total
difficulty (on pre-crisis estimates),
in the plans of investors was to spend
for the development of about 50 million.
power, according to experts, will allow
the company to reach the annual level
pipe production more than 15 thousand
tons. And in the next years (until 2114
years) management of the company plans
to achieve production volumes of stainless
products not less than 3 thousand tons per month.
manufactured on the new equipment
(corrosion resistant stainless steel pipe
with the diameter up to 70 mm.), mainly
designed to meet the
needs for food,
pharmacological and chemical
industry. Recall that the first 2
the line of this series was launched on
plant in late 2009.