Russia: the news of the "Titanium valley"

The agreement
on the establishment of a special economic zone
«Titanium valley» was held
instance. After 16 Dec
the resolution on creation of the SEZ was
signed by Prime Minister Vladimir
Putin, 27 th of their signatures
the document was signed by the Governor
Sverdlovsk region Alexander
Misharin, Deputy Minister of economic
development of the Russian Federation Oleg
Genrikhovich Savelyev.
the territory of «Titanium valley» will be
produced a wide range of products
titanium is mainly used
in aircraft, automotive and
the transport engineering. Thanks
the status of a free customs zone on
SEZ management
«VSMPO-AVISMA» (which is the initiator
project) is looking to expand
the application of this metal is Russian
manufacturers. In addition, according to
professionals working on the project
«Titanium valley» will be able to provide
the necessary products of titanium and
titanium alloys aerospace
the industry of the country.
the Ministry of economic development
Of the Russian Federation suggested that the project «special
economic zone» will be involved
about 20 residents who will be able
to carry out a number of shopping transactions
goods on preferential terms (without
of VAT and customs duties). When
investments in the project
(which is about 10 billion rubles) is planned
not involve from the Federal budget.
According to the Deputy Minister
economic development of the Russian Federation, when creating
SEZ «Titanium valley» construction
objects of social and transport
infrastructures and construction
the necessary engineering structures
can be financed from the funds of
the regional budget and other sources.