UWC has summed up the results of its operations for the first quarter of this year

RPC «United wagon company» has presented its operating results for January-March 2019. So according to official figures it was produced 5 thousand cars. Over the same period last year the figure was less than 20%. The increase is explained by the fact that there was more made of specialized rolling stock. So hopper cars produced 1,6 thousand units. It’s 49% more than the year before. They account for 31% of the total production volume of the enterprise. It was also released more tank cars. Volume amounted to 243 units. That’s 58% more than in the first quarter of 2017. As for the output of other types of specialised cars, he also grew up. Its growth amounted to 56%. Thus, the volume of production amounted to 721 units.
The volume of sales to customers through direct contracts amounted to 3.7 thousand cars. This is 78% of the total sold of the rolling stock during the reporting period. The gondolas and flat cars were sold to the STLC. Hopper cars went to Rusagrotrans, the Company and VTB Leasing. Flat cars for timber was delivered to Kronospan. Tank wagons went NPO «Azot» and the TEXOL group. The company Kuchuksulfate got boxcars. A total of UWC has sold products to more than 20 companies. This refers in the first quarter of this year. Own Park of the company and are held in financial leasing, is also increased. The increase amounted to 8%. In quantitative terms, the fleet of 12.9 thousand cars.
As for the service centers of the company, significant changes were not observed. It is as quantitative and structural changes. There are 72 car-repair enterprises. Among them there are higher categories.