Uralelectromed mounts new equipment

Uralelectromed, a member of the team continues the installation of new equipment. Began the second stage of the installation of process cranes. Two units of equipment manufactured by the Austrian company KUNZ. The installation location of the taps — the second stage of construction, CSE, shop of copper electrolysis. The first step involved mounting the beam cranes, installation of mechanisms for moving bridges. Mounted and auxiliary winch, they load up to 10 tons. Deputy chief of tech mark Shuklin said that this Assembly is required for further use. It lacks the main lifts. In the end, the cranes can be used for construction, installation of the equipment and electrolysis baths. Their number is 448 pieces.
A list of the major work includes installation of cabs operators, electrical and mechanical parts. The list includes control cabinets, carts, moving yokes, yokes themselves. They are involved in the movement of the cathodes, anodes. The purpose of the taps — cassette loading and unloading in the electrolysis electrode capacitance. The weight of each crane is about 80 tons, the length of the bridge is 34 meters. Due to the high capacity, which reaches 28 tons for various operations of the crane, it is sufficient for 1.5 minutes. However, he is able to move 63 of the electrode, whose weight is 24.5 tons. Operation of the equipment is in automatic, manual or semiautomatic mode.
The completion of installation works is scheduled for autumn 2017. Then specialists will be programmed tap. This will start the verification of performance properties of equipment. After will start the second phase, production capacity will increase to 320,000 tons of cathode copper per year.