Uralelectromed plans to implement projects for 4 billion RUB or more

Today the Uralelectromed plant is engaged in the implementation of more than 50 projects. For their implementation this year it is planned to spend more than 4 billion rubles. This figure exceeds the cost of projects in 2016 by 1.8 times. The main project of investment is the construction of the II stage of the electrolysis shop of red metal. Currently, the shop conducts the installation of systems of process pipelines and conductive busbars. It is planned to assemble power systems — water supply and heating, steam pipelines, electric lighting and power supply, compressed air. It is assumed that this year the plant will receive the bulk of equipment intended for installation. We are talking about a filter press, a cathode-stripping machine, a fine filter, a scrubber, a reagent manufacturing plant, and so on.
Changes will affect the chemical and metallurgical shop. It is assumed that in the summer of 2017, a sludge burning zone will be put into operation. At the moment, a kiln has already been installed. The main task facing the enterprise is to increase the reliability of the energy sector. Its implementation implies the continuation of the work on the development of generations of Uralelectromed. To date, the design of the energy center continues. Its construction will provide the plant with the required capacity of electric, thermal energy.
Modernization also affected the branch of Uralelectromedi «Polymetal production». They began to produce fuel briquettes. They are supposed to be used as fuel intended for shaft furnaces. Briquettes will be made from coke breeze. Its purchases are made on the market, but the cost compared to coke is significantly lower. Thanks to the replacement of coke by briquettes, at least by 30% it becomes possible to save on the purchase of energy resources.