Titan from Ukraine to the Chinese industry

New developments of Ukrainian Industrialists in the production of titanium is very interested in Chinese producers. In particular, at present active negotiations regarding the sale of foreign colleagues of the production technology of rolled products their titanium sponge. This agreement promises undoubted benefits Ukraine and may be the basis for the birth of a new international holding company.
In the negotiations on the possible use of Ukrainian developments in the production of titanium mill products to China attended the largest companies of the Eastern sector, including Kunming Iron & Steel Group. The main goal of the representatives of foreign powers is not so much the purchase of finished products made of durable metal unique, but rather the acquisition of the full technological process of such production. Although the manufacture of such a light and versatile material popular in many areas of the industrial complex, by prior arrangement, will be attended by the Ukrainian side.
Joint venture creation will allow in the shortest possible time to implement the engineering designs to life and deliver the finished products from titanium on stream. After all, in exchange for his invention of Ukraine will be able to get constant access to Chinese raw materials, which accounts for forty percent of all stocks of titanium for today, in the context of the world community. Also cooperation with foreign investors will enable Ukrainian Industrialists to provide a fresh financial investment into your business. This project promises long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two rapidly developing countries. Because titanium industry according to many independent experts is one of the most promising in the modern world. Such a responsible and serious areas of life such as aviation or defense have long used a unique material. Also titanium is quite popular in the energy and aerospace compartment. According to the most modest forecasts, the consumption of such an important strategic product in the near future will only grow. Therefore, the Chinese-Ukrainian project ensure that the needs of titanium has a sufficiently high value not only for stakeholders but also for many corporations producing aircraft or missile equipment, along with different types of weapons scattered around the world.