Brass in astrology

In addition to industrial applications, the brass is fairly important elements of astrology with their individual qualities and special properties of influence on the destiny of man. Balanced alloy of copper and aluminum component carries with it the power of Venus and mercury, so it is widely used in the manufacture of various amulets and jewelry. Although not all brands of brass can have a negative impact on human health, but for precaution a variety of jewelry from this material with inner side coated with a protective vitreous substance.
From the point of view of astrology brass products contribute to the strengthening of contacts between people and make human interaction a harmonious and benevolent. This material brings a special atmosphere to life and contributes to the development of mental processes, making easier the process of teaching or scientific work. In combination with various stones products from this material help to smooth out conflicts and to soften the harshness or roughness in personal relationships. Particularly important is the involvement of such a helper in the moments of misunderstanding between close friends. Very successfully combined the brass with pearl white or blue. This jewelery will benefit almost any zodiac sign. The only exceptions are Capricorn and Virgo.
In ancient times brass with lapis lazuli inlay was considered a conduit of truth and the great power of the spirit in the human world. Combining some very strong energies like talisman can bring good luck in love and gambling, and to ensure peace and tranquility in the house. It should be noted that some categories of people can wear jewelry of brass material only periodically. This condition is important to observe, however, whose ruling aspect at birth had the Moon and Neptune. To any other person any restrictions in the time of wearing unique and useful decoration no. Now an increasing number of people prefer to live in peace with the forces of nature and natural energy flows. Therefore, the astrological significance of some of the minerals, metals and stones is causing great interest. Decorations industry has been using brass as a fine rim for stone and mineral Foundation or as a standalone product. So, the scope of application of such materials is not limited only to industrial focus and constantly finds new forms.