Tajikistan reduces the volume of aluminium production

As can be seen from the statistical data, resulting in permanent
reducing the cost of aluminium in the world markets of Tajik manufacturers
to reduce production and cut exports of the metal. According to the statement
representatives of the Ministry of economic development and trade of the country, production
primary aluminum domestic manufacturers in the first half of this
year (in comparison with the similar period of 2012) decreased by 18.73% to
slightly more than 117 thousand tons.
The experts of the Ministry of energy and industry
Tajikistan’s emphasis on the fact that the decrease in production volumes
primary aluminum in the country and its sale to foreign counterparties provided
the effect, first of all, price fluctuations on the London metal exchange and
the increase in tariffs for transit by rail through
neighboring Uzbekistan.
The above mentioned dynamics of volumes of production of aluminium
in the country is significantly worse than last year. So last year, in comparison with
2011, the company TALCO (the only aluminum producer in the country) have reduced
the volume of production of aluminium by 2%, reducing them to 272,5 thousand tons in
absolute values. However, the local market operators are looking at the prospect with
positive: according to analysts, in 2013 in the Republic should be
produced 287,6 thousand tons of metal cruise.
Recall that primary aluminium is produced by the only
aluminum plant in Central Asia — the state unitary enterprise «Tajik
aluminum company» (TALCO) is, to date, the main source
foreign exchange earnings in Tajikistan. Therefore, the drop in the price of resource — tangible
the blow to the economy of the Republic. «The average cost of one ton of aluminum
the first half of 2013 equal to 1,914 thousand dollars, which is $ 166 lower
compared to the same period in 2012» — specify the scale of the loss experts local
market non-ferrous metals.
As can be seen from the statistical data of the Ministry of
economic development and trade of Tajikistan, the volume of exports of
the «winged» metal in the first half of this year, in comparison with the first half
2012, decreased by 22.5%, to 109 thousand tonnes in absolute terms. «General
the amount received from export sales of aluminium in the first half
2013 amounts to 209 million dollars, which is almost a third less revenue from
such transactions in the same period in 2012» — commented on the number of analysts.