Chile and China have reduced trading operations of copper with foreign partners

Chile and China last month reduced the amount of foreign
trade operations on the copper market. In particular, according to reports in
core media, China significantly reduced imports of «red metal», reducing
them to the level of 298 thousand tonnes. This is 15% less data for the 1st month of the year and almost
40% below the level of overseas purchases of copper companies of the country in February
last year. Thus, the negative dynamics of China’s imports in sector
only continued, but exacerbated trends Jan: 2 months from the beginning of 2013
year, the country imported 650 thousand tonnes of copper and products based on it. It
28% less than imports in the sector during the same period in 2012.
In parallel with this message in a specialized
press reported about the fall in shipments of «red metal» foreign
buyers from Chilean producers. Here, however, the changes were
much less radical: according to the data structures that track the fluctuations
export performance in the country, the amount of copper sold to local producers
foreign contractors in February, fell by around 7% (with a volume of 3.45 billion.
USD to the level of 3.2 billion when comparing data year-on-year). The scale
the same two-month period (the comparison period in January-February of the current and
last years) data for Chilean copper exports has not changed,
left the second consecutive year in the range of 6.65 billion USD.