The largest supplier of tin to the world market in the bronze age could be Kazakhstan

The main supplier of tin to the world market in the era of
history called the «bronze age», with the big share of probability could be
the people of the region, geographically corresponding to modern Kazakhstan. It
to such conclusion scientists from the international research group,
organized study of the topic, and later established the exhibition «Unknown
Kazakhstan — archeology in the heart of Eurasia».
The aforementioned exhibition was opened a few days
ago in Bochum (Ruhr region, Germany) and will run until July
2013. «Metal mining in East Kazakhstan tin mines of antiquity
and organization of international trade the results of this industry are impressive. We
conducted a number of studies and can confidently say that the science on the results
this work opened a lot of new things about the history of the development of metallurgy» — concluded
the group Thomas Sterner is one of the leading German experts in the field
archaeology. The enthusiasm of the scientist to the art of the ancient inhabitants of Kazakhstan
the production of metals divided his countryman and colleague, specializing in the Scythian
culture — Hermann Parzinger. «What here could extract iron and nonferrous
metals even 2,000 years before the Christian era proves that this Central Asian
the Republic deserves to be considered the epicenter of the spread of metallurgy
in Eurasia," — said the archaeologist at the opening of the landmark for the relations of the two
States — RK, and Germany — events.
Bronze age — the period in the history of mankind
conditional limited 35th and 11th centuries BC. The name of this
time period got due to the widespread distribution of products (arms,
jewelry, tools) of copper-tin alloy (and later
less popular — alloy of copper with aluminium, beryllium, manganese and
other alloying elements), referred to as metallurgists of the time «bronzo».
This was preceded by the period of the so-called «Chalcolithic» («copper-stone» or «copper»
age, which lasted from IV to III Millennium BC), and on change to it came age
«iron». Despite the fact that bronze is one of the first alloys
open man, and today — thanks to the excellent corrosion resistance
and excellent antifriction qualities is widely used in various industries