In the Voronezh Nickel deposits, exploration has not begun

Despite the fact that under the terms
the license agreement at the Voronezh Nickel deposits January 25
had to start the next stage of exploration, prospecting and evaluation
drilling on Two notorious and Elancecom plots has not been started. About
it journalists were reported by the representatives of the movement «In defense of Khoper»,
carried out continuous monitoring of objects. «Working equipment is not
representatives UGMK on any of the taps did not appear," reported
the state of Affairs in the Region environmental advocates.
Recall: in early spring of last year, the Office
state property in the sphere of subsoil use of Russia implemented a law on
the development of copper-Nickel ore occurrences in Novokhopersk area. Office
a competition was held, won by OOO «mednogorsky copper-sulfuric
plant» (one of the divisions of the «UMMC»). Officially permits
was issued to the licensee at the end of July 2012, however, the discontent of inhabitants
Voronezh region prevented the owner of the rights to resource extraction in a timely manner
to begin your exploration.
Earlier it was reported that the management at UMMC
intended to start the exploration of disputed areas, despite the dissatisfaction
residents in the surrounding areas. Environmental activists are — in turn — pledged
to prevent the start of work by any means, until the provision of physical
resistance «scouts». On the day expect to start drilling in areas
the alleged conduct of works duty of Cossack patrols, conducted surveillance
objects patrols from visitors and local defenders of the hopper.